Ayurveda, the ancient medical process of diagnosing and curing disease, is gaining popularity daily. Indian medical practitioners, sadhus, and yogis used to heal people’s ailments. It is one of the best holistic treatment methods, and today it combines with modern medicines. Most modern medicines use chemicals that have many side effects. But Mother Nature has given us enough resources in the form of herbs and minerals to use them and fight ailments. Tonsillitis is increasing day by day with the increase in air pollution. It is best to go for ayurvedic treatment for tonsillitis, rejuvenate the immune system, and stay healthy and hearty.
The microbes or viruses affect our immune system breaking the first line of defense in the esophagus region. They cause inflammation of the tonsils, the two lymph tissues deep inside our oral cavity. The disease is somewhat chronic for many children. However, it is best to know about tonsillitis and the symptoms. Administer ayurvedic medicine for tonsils in child by consulting one of the best ayurvedic practitioners.
Tonsils are the two lymph nodes and produce WBC to fight infections. Their location is at the back of our neck inside the oral cavity. Providing us the first line of defense against microbes and viruses, they are the most important lymph nodes in our body. During the first stage of infection, the M cells become active and identify and catch the germs. They then alert the T and the B cells in the tonsils to produce enough white blood cells and fight the germs.
However, as the tonsils fight with the germs to protect our body, they may sometime swell, inflame or become red. The patients feel pain in the throat area and can have a fever and even swallowing difficulties. In Susrutha Samhita, one of the pioneering books in Ayurveda written around 700 years BC, the Sanskrit name of Tonsillitis is Tundikeri.
As per Ayurveda, Kapha, Vata, or Pitta doshas are responsible for inflammation of the tonsils. Drinking cold water or eating ice cream and cold beverages can aggravate tonsillitis and worsen the situation. Again, eating excessive oily food, exposing oneself to extreme cold breeze without proper protection, or an extremely cold climate can affect these lymph nodes in our throat region just behind the tongue.
In Ayurveda, there are multiple methods of curing a patient of tonsillitis. If you are worried about how to cure tonsils permanently, then Ayurveda has the best solutions. The line of treatment is to discharge the toxins from the body. The first and foremost is to change the patient’s lifestyle and advise proper eating patterns. It helps balance the seven dhatus in our body to regain the immunity system and fight the disease. At times, patients with tonsillitis need some panchakarma therapy to get rid of their tonsil ailments.
Ayurveda treats ailing patients going to the roots. Thus, a healthy lifestyle and good food habits are necessary for people to have a robust immune system and fight diseases. Tonsillitis can be well managed through ayurvedic treatment. Patients, particularly children suffering from Tonsillitis, can control the condition and become better and fit with much advice.
Ayurvedic medical practitioners practicing in some of the best clinics like MS Haque Clinic suggest many ways for ayurvedic treatment for Tonsillitis.
The best ayurvedic practitioner thoroughly checks the patient and then suggests lifestyle and food changes to fight Tonsillitis. They look for the root cause and guide the patients accordingly. The practitioner may sometimes suggest oral medicine but mainly relies on home concoctions and dietary plans to fight tonsillitis.
Helping your child gurgle with lukewarm water and giving concoctions can help your child fight with tonsils at home. Give your child healthy, oil-free food and warm drinks to soothe the throat. However, if the infection is severe, it is best to take the child to the best ayurvedic clinic and get advice from the best ayurvedic practitioner.
There are many medicines for tonsillitis. Administering Sphatika powder locally is one of them. Consult the best ayurvedic practitioner before taking any medication. Simple lifestyle and food habit changes can cure tonsillitis.
It is best to visit an Ayurveda acharya with your kid and better not to give any medicine on your own. Any wrong medication can worsen the situation. One can try the home remedies like giving honey or hot beverages to keep the situation in control
Ayurveda can cure tonsil ailments as the treatment reaches the root. However, one has to follow the advice of the ayurvedic practitioner and follow them strictly to cure tonsillitis.
Go for ayurvedic treatment and cure your tonsil problems. It has no side effects, unlike modern chemically made medicines. Live a healthy lifestyle to improve your doshas, building strong immunity to defend against the ailments.