Premature ejaculation is a condition wherein a man orgasms or ejaculates earlier than he or his partner would like. Occasional premature ejaculation is common among all men. Everyone at some point or the other has ejaculated earlier than they wanted to, but the problem arises when it turns into a condition. This is when you should approach the best sexologist doctor in Patna.
Although premature ejaculation is not known to have any adverse effects on your overall health, it can significantly lower the quality of your sexual life as well as your mental being. It can affect a man’s conjugal life as well as his inner peace. He will constantly be in fear that he is not good enough for his wife. And this can wreak havoc on the relationship. It makes it feel less of a man and deprives the wife of sexual pleasures.
It is a known fact that women take longer to orgasm than men. And a man who lasts less than the average time can hardly be fulfilling. And this hurts the self-respect of a man. This can lead to misunderstandings, unnecessary fights, anger and disappointment.
Intercourse creates a bonding among partners. And if it turns out to be unsatisfactory constantly, it can create a gap between the husband and wife. One must address such a problem as quickly as possible. If you do not know where to begin, here are some of the approaches that you can make to solve your problem:
Premature ejaculation stems from a lot of causes. Sometimes it can be due to some physiological cause and sometimes a psychological effect. It is best to consult a good sexologist in your city who can help you overcome the predicament.