Ayurveda Treatment For Kidney: Kidneys are drainage cells in our bodies that eliminate wastes and poisons produced by metabolism. Chronic kidney disease is rising in today’s culture due to increased lifestyle problems and life expectancy demands. Chronic renal illness, unheard of until a decade ago, is increasingly frequent. According to reports, the number of renal disease and kidney failure cases in India nearly doubles yearly. This is when Ayurveda treatment for kidney comes to rescue you.
Chronic Kidney Disease causes kidneys to lose their capacity to remove undesirable materials, balance fluids, and electrolytes, and control RBC production in the body. Several causes of chronic renal failure result in the loss of nephrons. It causes the renal mass to be destroyed, leading to nephron hypertrophy, which leads to sclerosis & eventually, kidney failure. Read on to learn about ayurvedic medicine for kidney creatinine in Hindi.
A person may encounter the following signs and symptoms:
Toxins enter and build in the body through various pathways, including unhealthy meals, cosmetics, stress, and environmental contaminants. Nature has provided our bodies with specific systems for managing and eliminating poisons, but they are limited.
Wrong food choices, stress, and poor living habits make it harder for the excretory system, which is already overworked, to discharge toxins properly. As a result, the poison becomes trapped in the body, causing health issues. Toxin buildup in the kidneys causes kidney stones, kidney damage, blood in urine, excessive urea levels, and various other disorders.
Fortunately, ayurveda treatment for kidney can assist. Several useful herbs may not simply strengthen and revitalize the renal system but also treat kidney disorders.
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Diabetes has been found in studies to cause kidney failure in 30% of type 1 diabetes patients and 40% of type 2 diabetic patients. So, if your diabetes has failed to teach you the importance of taking regular meds, checkups, and nutritional management, your kidneys’ fate will be dialysis or transplant.
Most individuals are unclear about the connection between kidneys and diabetes and need to meet Dr. M. S. Haque and Dr. A Perwaiz. Simply put, this occurs in your kidneys when exposed to glucose for an extended period. This increases the likelihood of urine leakage and can harm kidneys when infected.
Blood pressure affects the kidneys because it requires blood from your heart to eliminate the ingested salt from your system. Finally, the kidney cannot excrete wastes and poisons from your system. When the fluid in the body rises, your blood pressure rises even more, creating a hazardous loop. Let’s talk about ayurvedic medicine for kidney creatinine.
There are herbs employed in Ayurvedic therapy for renal failure. These herbs assist in regenerating the kidneys by increasing filtration capacity and overall kidney function. Now read about some of the essential Ayurveda treatment for kidney below.
This ayurvedic remedy addresses renal dysfunction while also revitalizing the entire body. Due to its anti-inflammatory qualities, Punarnava significantly lowers oedema in the toes and joints.
Kaasni is most effective in treating renal failure issues the respiratory system produces.
Varun is a highly effective herb that heals renal disease from the ground up. It also helps to prevent kidney stones by lowering oxalate production in the body and inhibiting the glycolate oxidation enzyme.
This is the most fabulous Ayurvedic herb for renal function and eliminates the signs of kidney failure.
Ayurvedic Kidney Disease Treatment
This disease is triggered by an obstruction of the srotas, or moment body processes, according to Ayurveda. The mutravahasrotas, in this case, carry urine and regulate water flow through the kidneys. If the incoming srotas become blocked, these organs are starved of water & shrivel. Swelling happens whether or whether the current channels are blocked.
Punanarva, for instance, is a potent Ayurvedic herb that aids in clearing these channels, reducing oedema, and revitalizing the kidneys. Ayurvedic therapy focuses on strengthening the kidneys, increasing their filtration capacity, and enhancing overall function. This therapy, offered by Dr. M. S. Haque and Dr. A. Perwaiz can replace dialysis.
Rasayana medicines, which can modify tissue features and raise tissue resistance, can prevent and heal tissue damage based on Ayurvedic principles of sickness management. Conversely, the obstruction can be removed utilizing Lekhana medications that scrape congested passages.
GoksuradiGuggulu (mixed Ayurvedic preparation) is a Rasayana for MutravahaSrotas that also has a Lekhana (scraping) action due to the presence of Guggulu (CommiphoraMukul). Varunadikvath is also beneficial for balancing the Kapha & Vatadoshas. Rasayanchurna possesses Rasayan characteristics. Check out some more Indian home remedies for kidney health.
Patients with chronic kidney failure have disturbed agni, which causes food to be improperly digested. Therefore, creating important components is disrupted, resulting in dosha and dhatu dushti.
People’s changing lifestyles, consumption of unsuitable foods, consistent consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, and stress contribute significantly to agni Mandya, the fundamental cause of many ailments. Rasavaha, Annavaha, udakavaha, mutravaha, medovaha, and swedavaha srotodusti, causes renal failures. Chronic Kidney Disease treatment is not organ-based. It considers the saptadhatu, tridosha, & agni vichara.
During this initial phase of treatment, special attention must be paid to managing blood sugar levels and, if applicable, blood pressure levels. Ayurvedic therapy for Chronic Kidney Disease by Dr. M. S. Haque and Dr. A. Perwaiz includes swedana, virechana, raktaprasadaka, mutrapravartaka, agni deepen, and sarva dhathu poshaka, as well as stringent pathya- apathyas. Ayurveda also promotes regenerative therapy under the theme of Rasayana Chikitsa, which allows for the regeneration of nephrons in chronic kidney disease.
Contact the professional Ayurvedic Expert from Mshaque Clinic for more knowledge. Meet with Dr. M. S Haque and Dr. A. Perwaiz & follow their recommendations.
Ayurvedic remedies for chronic renal disease are helpful and can help to avoid the exhausting and expensive procedure of kidney transplantation and dialysis.
Vitamin C helps you to dissolve kidney stones. You can also eat some citrus fruits, for example, cucumber, orange, broccoli, etc.
Ayurvedic drinks like Kaasni, Varun, Punarnava, Gokshur, and Palaash are some common examples that help you.