The ancient ayurvedic treatment of India is gaining popularity across the globe as the most effective alternative treatment. Ayurveda heals the body with herbs and minerals that Mother Nature has gifted us. Unlike drugs made from chemicals, Ayurveda has no side effects and rejuvenates the body and mind. As per rasa dhatu in Ayurveda, it is nothing but the body’s plasma or circulatory fluids. It keeps the fluid healthy by clearing the toxins from the body. It is responsible for giving nutrition to the blood cells, bones, muscles, and bone marrow.
Again it is responsible for healthy sexual or reproductive fluids. However, like all dhatus in the body, rasa dhatu is also prone to wear and tear. Thus this dhatu can disturb the core functions and needs support by taking proper food. It is time to know about all the dhatus in our body and understand their functions.
There are 7 dhatus in Ayurveda. As per Ayurveda, they all exist in our bodies. The rakta, the mamsa, the meda, the asthi, the majja, the rasa, and the shukra dhatus are responsible for healthy living. Of them, the rasa or the plasma dhatu is responsible for the health and quality of all the other tissues. The plasma in our body nourishes the cells and keeps one healthy.
This dhatu is the building block of the other six dhatus in our body. Circulating in the body, Rasa nourishes, develops, and maintains other dhatus and thus all organs of our body, including the nervous system.
Eating healthy and good food, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and taking ayurvedic medicines prescribed by an ayurvedic specialist can help improve and cure ailments arising from a lack of rasa dhatu.
The sweet or the madhura rasa provides the highest energy in our body. The other four rasas, like lavana or salt, am or sour, tikta, and katu or pungent, are also crucial for our body, but they do not provide much energy as madhura rasa.
Rasa dhatu and six others are essential in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is time to follow the ayurvedic approach of healing our body, having enough plasma or rasa dhatu in our body. The world is rediscovering this holistic treatment method rapidly, and people are healing themselves with ayurvedic treatments.